Husker Flags

Sell Husker flags to raise funds toward summer camp costs and new trailer decals!

Check emails from Dr. Vogel for more information or SIGN UP HERE with the number of flags you intend to sell.

The Stunc family and Husker Hounds have procured 72 Husker flags for the Troop to sell to raise funds for the trailer decals and scout accounts.

The price of the flags is $30. Each flag sold will be $10 in the individual's Scout account and $5 to help pay for the trailer decals. 

Each scout wishing to sell flags will be responsible for returning $30 per flag taken to the troop.  The funds will be credited to the troop account, the scout's account, and payment will be made to Husker Hounds for the flags.

Please see Dr. Vogel with any questions.