
Welcome to the Troop 99 documentation library!  Here you will find useful links to various Troop-related documents.  These documents are stored on the Troop 99 Google Drive space.  A separate browser tab will be opened with the document when a link is clicked.

Use the following table of content links to quickly find the information you are searching for, or utilize the browser find functionality (e.g. Control-F, etc) to search for specific document title keywords ...

Eagle Project

Required forms and helpful documentation for completion of an Eagle Scout project.

Health Forms

Required forms for various BSA-related activities.

Merit Badge Opportunities

Future opportunities for merit badges  will be documented here.


Files that are utilized by the Troop for training purposes: Junior Youth Leadership Training, National Youth Leadership Training, etc.

Web-Site Maintenance

Documentation used by the Troop 99 web master (and future web masters) for maintaining the Troop web-site.

Scout Book

Directions  and information regarding Scout Book sign up and navigation.


Use for meeting topics and time fillers