Merit Badges
Upcoming Merit Badge Classes
Merit Badge Workshops at Wildlife Safari Park and at the Henry Doorly Zoo - View a full list of classes at ( and Scout Programs (
PERSONAL FITNESS Merit Badge with Xavier Z. starts Monday, Aug 5 at 6:45PM with pre-testing requirements.
Virtual Merit Badge Opportunities See a post on our facebook Group for merit badge classes sponsored by the Northwest District of Montana Council
If you have a Merit Badge Opportunity to share, please email it to
Merit Badges are earned by completing the requirements for the badge, under the approval and supervision of a Merit Badge Counselor. A Merit Badge Application (blue card) must be completed by the scout for each merit badge, and signed by the approved Merit Badge counselor in order for a scout to earn the badge.
(Click above to review the merit badge process)
Need to submit your BLUE CARDS (Merit Badge Application)? See Mrs. Strunc during a Troop meeting or contact her directly. BLUE CARD MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER TO EARN A MERIT BADGE.
A total of 21 merit badges must be earned for the Eagle Scout rank, including these 14 merit required badges:
First Aid,
Citizenship in the Community,
Citizenship in the Nation,
Citizenship in the World,
Citizenship in Society (new in 2022),
Personal Fitness,
Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving,
Environmental Science OR Sustainability,
Personal Management,
Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling,
Camping, and
Family Life.
Refer to the latest Scouts BSA Requirements book for merit badge requirements updates.